Story Plot: 2005 years ago in India, a boy named Siddhartha Gautama of the kingdom Shakya is born. At that time various kingdoms were continuously raging wars with each other. When the boy attained puberty, he associated with people from the lower class like Migaila a girl who was known as a thief. Siddhartha began to have doubts about the strict class system even though he is raised in luxury as a future king. Later, the powerful kingdom of Kosala attacks the kingdom of Shakya. Both sides fight fiercely. The commander of Kosala’s army is the general’s son Chapra. He is thought of as the most brave soldier in the kingdom of Kosala. Chapra was actually born into slavery but hid his background. By the general’s order he came all the way up into his current position. Chapra wants to make a successful career for himself and Siddhartha abondons his family’s wealth to find Tao. These two opposite persons meet in the war and changes the fate of their respective kingdoms.
Name : Buddha The Great Departure (2011) Hindi Dubbed
Release Date Of Film: May 28, 2011
Source Of Film: HDRip
Genre Of Movie: Animation, Adventure, Biography, Drama, History
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