Story Plot: In this quirky film, a tall guy Abhijit, known as AB (Shersha Sheriff), and the a short woman , Naina Rawther (Gauri G Kishan), form an engaging opposites-attract couple. Abhijit exudes a slacker-stoner vibe, while Naina is characterized by her obsession with cleanliness and responsibility. A humorous quirk is their height difference, with Naina being short (4 feet) and Abhijit tall (6 feet).
Name : Little Miss Rawther (2023) Hindi Dubbed
Release Date Of Film: 13 October 2023
Source Of Film: HDRip
Genre Of Movie: Comedy, Drama
Starcast : Gouri G. Kishan, Shersha Sherief, Manoj KU, Sangeeth Prathap, Jishnu Sreekumar
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